Connecting With Your Audience Authentically
By Amonda Rose Igoe
Before we get started, I want you to know that I created this tip for everyone. Whether you are a seasoned speaker or you have a desire to conquer your fear of public speaking, my tips were written for everyone. Read them. They're important. If you don't, you will miss the opportunity to learn from my mistakes and my successes. I have paid thousands of dollars and spent years educating myself on learning the art of public speaking. I am passionate (magnificently obsessed) about teaching others how to be confident, powerful, and dynamic speakers.
Great Public Speaking Tip - Connecting With Your Audience Authentically
You may remember the famous "Odd Couple" television episode where Felix says to Oscar, "When you assume, you make an Ass out of U and Me."
From my own personal experiences, I know Felix was right. I have assumed way too many times in the past. And yes, it has left me feeling - and perhaps looking - like a jackass.
Recently, I was speaking to a community group. I was sharing a story about one of my dogs named Serena and some of the unusual things she puts in her mouth, like lizards. I thought I was very clear in my communication, until someone approached me afterwards and politely said to me, "I was surprised that you let your daughterr put lizards in her mouth."
Ugh! That was not the lasting impression I wanted to make. I thought I was clear in saying that Serena was a dog. Obviously, I learned a valuable lesson. Even the best speakers need to relearn valuable lessons from time to time.
Never assume anything about your audience.
We can never assume that our audience knows what we are talking about. I have seen way too many individuals use their business lingo when talking to an audience of potential customers, and find out later that the audience had no idea what the speaker was talking about. And on top of that, most people in the audience fear looking foolish, so they don't ask questions.
Whenever you are speaking to a group, I would recommend that you do several things:
- Repeat what you are trying to say in several different ways until there is absolutely no way they could miss the message you are trying to communicate.
- Always ask your audience questions to determine if they truly understand the information or are just nodding their heads. If your audience looks away when you ask questions, they are definitely not getting it.
- Look out for puzzled faces. Your audience is your greatest barometer to tell if you are effectively communicating your message. If they are getting your message, their eyes will be on you.
Are Your Ready to Learn More?
Get Started Now. Schedule an appointment with Amonda Rose for your FREE 30 Minute Public Speaking Coaching Session. Call Amonda Rose today at 561-498-8919.
One can know everything about any topic, even their own business, however if that person is unable to communicate their ideas effectively to their prospective clients, they may never have the level of true success they desire.
For more information about Amonda Rose, visit to learn how she can help anyone move from Fearful and Doubtful to Confident and Dynamic. Amonda Rose uses the most advanced Public Speaking and Communication Techniques to help the beginner to the advanced students excel.
Amonda Rose Igoe
(561) 498-8919
Live! Love! Laugh! Launch Your Dreams!
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